Morse Code

 . Code in which letters and numbers are represented by combinations of long and short light/sound signals.
 . Created by Samuel Morse in 1836.
 . Used in transmitting information over long distances.
 . Sent as series of electrical signals.
 . First Morse code was called American Morse code since it is originated there.
 . Version of Morse code- International Morse code for languages, Japanese version(Wabun Code), Korean Version (SKATS).
 . Short signals - dits (dots)
   Long signals - dahs (dashes)

 . Rule for following space or gap between signals is shown in the table:
 . Speed of transmitting Morse code is measured in WPM (Words Per Min).
 . An experienced Morse code operator can transmit and receive information at 20-30 WPM.
 . This code is used in Telegraph which was basic of distant communication invented by Samuel Morse.
 . Also used in Lighthouses used to send signals as lights on/off over seas.

Importance of Morse Code:

 . Before invention of Morse code and telegraph, messages were still handwritten and carried by horse.
 . It allowed ships to communicate over long distances using large lights.
 . It was crucial during Second World War because it greatly improved speed of communication.
 . Naval ships use morse code to communicate with each other.
 . War planes used morse code to detail locations of enemy ships, troops and send them back to headquarters.

Is Morse Code used now?

 . It is still widely recognized, even it is not used as it was once.
 . Still popular among radio amateur systems.
 . US Navy and Coast Guard still use signals lamps to communicate in morse code.
 . It works as alternative form of communication for people with disabilities.
 . Using eyelids to communicate in Morse code by using series of long and quick blinks to represent dots and dashes.
